Reiska Plant Nursery

  Hosta 'Thumb Nail'

Hosta 'Thumb Nail'   Please note: This photo was taken in October 2022 when the leaves were getting ready to close down for the winter.

Hosta venusta
One of the smallest and perhaps the most influential species. Hosta venusta is used in dozens of breeding programs and has produced many worthy hybrids and sports. It grows only to about 6in high, forming a dense mound of teardrop-shaped leaves. Blooms midsummer. Hosta venusta comes from mountainous areas, where it grows between rocks in shady areas; its offspring should therefore enjoy a location on a rockery, providing there is plenty of room for deep-growing roots.

Certain Hosta venusta cultivars (H. 'Cody', H. 'Striker', H. 'Tiny Tears, H. Tot Tot) are especially good for rock gardens; others include H. 'Thumb Nail', H. 'Gosan Gold Midget' and H. 'Masquerade'

Source: "The Book of Little Hostas" by Kathy Guest Shadrack and Michael Shadrack


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